14 years |
gav |
Show AssetSubItem after update, since returning to an Asset makes no …
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to asset show and edit views, part 2.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to AssetExtendedAttribute creation work flow.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to asset show and edit views.
14 years |
gav |
New asset report: Equipment Register.
14 years |
gav |
Improvements to asset reports: Asset Detail and Asset Register.
14 years |
gav |
Two new asset reports: Asset Detail and Asset Register.
14 years |
gav |
Small correction to TaskReportService comments.
14 years |
gav |
Demo data adjustments to ExtendedAttributeTypes and …
15 years |
gav |
Small improvement to Stock Take By Location report, sort locations …
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search, part 3.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory reorder search.
15 years |
gav |
Small change to InventoryItem search view, single description column.
15 years |
gav |
Small change to InventoryItem search view, remove unit as a table …
15 years |
gav |
SVN move HqlBuilder to net.kromhouts package.
15 years |
gav |
HqlBuilder and tests, draftB.
15 years |
gav |
HqlBuilder? and tests, draftA.
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to TaskSearchServiceTests and TaskServiceTests …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to AppConfigServiceTests tearDown().
15 years |
gav |
Comment to DateUtilService? class.
15 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file, part 3.
15 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add feature to import inventory item pictures from zip file.
15 years |
gav |
Small fix to inventory search so that limit search selects work with …
15 years |
gav |
Domain change: Add PurchasingGroup?.
Logic and views to suite.
15 years |
gav |
Some comments to CostCodeDetailedController.
15 years |
gav |
Check for authorisation on recurring tasks.
15 years |
gav |
Default to 200 results on listSubTasks view.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search.
15 years |
gav |
Full authorisation review.
Add manager role to BaseController.
Remove …
15 years |
gav |
Allow all mangers to access manager view, appLog view and …
15 years |
gav |
Svn ignore .directory file.
15 years |
gav |
Svn delete redundant project files from previous Grails version.
15 years |
gav |
Move view application log file link from admin to manager view.
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to comments in TaskRecurringScheduleJob.groovy
15 years |
gav |
Apply bug fix for ticket #76.
Rename all instances of Lucene to …
15 years |
gav |
Small cleanup of messages.properties file.
15 years |
gav |
Show inventory item and comments on purchase search view, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add order search button to Inventory purchasing tab, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Show inventory item and comments on purchase search view.
15 years |
gav |
Add order search button to Inventory purchasing tab.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, rename InventoryItem property enableReorder to …
15 years |
gav |
Fix NPE during pagination after setSearchParamsMax in search views.
15 years |
gav |
Fix missing InventoryItemPurchase.count in quick searches.
15 years |
gav |
Always show top pagination buttons on task search view when there are …
15 years |
gav |
Test new svn location, revert previous change.
15 years |
gav |
Test new svn location.
15 years |
gav |
Prevent reordering of obsolete or inactive inventory items.
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, add taskBudgetStatus property to …
15 years |
gav |
Update default currencyList setting to include a few common …
15 years |
gav |
Update default currencyList setting to include a few common currencies.
15 years |
gav |
Set select background since select borders cannot be styled in IE.
Add …
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, several changes to InventoryItemPurchase.
Update views …
15 years |
gav |
Add custom global setting for currencyList.
Update inventoryItem views …
15 years |
gav |
Update event comment on TaskRecurringSchedule domain class, no domain …
15 years |
gav |
Update Task views and service to use new messages, part 2.
15 years |
gav |
Add default.please.select.text and default.none.select.text messages. …
15 years |
gav |
Trim inventory purchase order number.
Allow editing of any purchase's …
15 years |
gav |
Implement InventoryItemPurchase custom constraint as per ticket #74, …
15 years |
gav |
Replace '/' with File.separator in config files.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to purchasing, update order amount with total invoice …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to purchasing, calculate remaining value amounts.
15 years |
gav |
Improve work flow when working from inventoryItemPurchase search view.
15 years |
gav |
Remember inventoryItemPurchase search and sort, as per ticket #71
15 years |
gav |
Exclude "targetCompletionDate" from Task search, since we are now …
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, added safetyRequirement, mandatoryRegulatory and …
15 years |
gav |
Only show assignedGroups and assignedPersons in task edit view if they …
15 years |
gav |
Default taskGroup dropdowns to --None-- in task create views, since …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to task search filter pane.
15 years |
gav |
Revert task searchCalendar to displaying tasks, the rest of ticket #66 …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to base task groups created in r576, see ticket #65.
15 years |
gav |
Add taskGroup and detail to task search view, as per ticket #65.
New …
15 years |
gav |
First draft of displaying work load on task calendar, see ticket #66.
15 years |
gav |
Add red banner for obsolete and not active inventory items, as per …
15 years |
gav |
Added details of each task (including taskGroup as per ticket #65) to …
15 years |
gav |
New defaultSort for Tasks, sort by status then priority then target …
15 years |
gav |
Removed comment field accidentally added to InventoryItemPurchase …
15 years |
gav |
Small adjustment to rebuilding index log messages.
15 years |
gav |
Add Quartz job to reindex searchable InventoryItem index every hour.
15 years |
gav |
Add onload input focus to inventory search view.
15 years |
gav |
Upgrade Compass and Lucene jars to 2.1.4, to fix reindex on update as …
15 years |
gav |
Add more base task groups as per ticket #65.
15 years |
gav |
Add indication to inventory item tabs.
15 years |
gav |
Add indication to task tabs as per ticket #67.
15 years |
gav |
Small correction to MaintenanceActionController, since there is no …
15 years |
gav |
Stop lucene mirroring and reindex after bulk data creation.
15 years |
gav |
Start lucene mirroring and index after creating bootstrap data.
15 years |
gav |
Add action to single submit forms so that hitting enter submits the …
15 years |
gav |
Move inventory text search from quick search pane to front and centre.
15 years |
gav |
JavaScript? util improvements, added toggleWithEffectUtil() and useDiv …
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, remove scheduled attribute from Task.
Update views and …
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to inventory text search, add inventoryGroup and hide …
15 years |
gav |
Add help balloon to inventory text search.
15 years |
gav |
Adjust InventoryReportService getStockTakeByLocation() for MSSQL.
15 years |
gav |
Small text adjustment to inventory search view.
15 years |
gav |
Install searchable plugin, configure and start inventory search.
15 years |
gav |
Add some BuildConfig? excludes to prevent POI pulling in servlet-api.
15 years |
gav |
Add some links to manager view.
15 years |
gav |
Svn move UnitOfMeasure to UnitOfMeasureDetailed.