= Mysql Configuration = Mysql configuration guide for gnuMims. Default build/war settings: * Hostname = "gnumimssql01" (Setup DNS or add an entry to /etc/hosts) * Port = "3306" (The default MySQL port) * database = "gnumims_prod" * username = "gnumimsadmin" (This user must have all access to the database above) * password = "gnumimsadmin" (Having an open password is not a problem if MySQL is suitably firewalled and/or accepts only local connections) Install Mysql and ensure the daemon is running. If not already done, login and set root password: {{{ $ mysql -u root SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost = password('CHANGE_TO_PASSWORD'); flush privileges; quit; }}} Create the database for gnuMims: {{{ $ mysql -p -u root CREATE DATABASE gnumims_prod; USE gnumims_prod; GRANT ALL ON gnumims_prod.* TO gnumimsadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'gnumimsadmin'; flush privileges; quit; }}}