
May 23, 2010:

4:43 PM Changeset [542] by gav

Start Immediate Callout report.

May 20, 2010:

11:16 AM Changeset [541] by gav

Improvements to Reactive Ratio report.
Add header and footer to summary.
Remove unused datasets.
Add last page footer.

May 19, 2010:

2:15 PM Ticket #54 (New report or view: Breakdown vs Scheduled task ratio) closed by Gavin
fixed: Implemented as Reactive Ratio Report in r538, r537, r536, r535, r533, 532.
2:13 PM Ticket #62 (New report or view: Persons total work done hours) closed by Gavin
fixed: Implemented at r490.
2:11 PM Ticket #51 (New report or view: Inventory Recently Used) closed by Gavin
11:49 AM Changeset [540] by gav

Deleted: svn:executable on bullet_delete.png

May 18, 2010:

5:43 PM Changeset [539] by gav

Add comment to main css, commonly used application colours.

4:21 PM Changeset [538] by gav

Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report, small fix to logoURL retrieval.
Svn ignore *.jasper report files.

12:37 PM Changeset [537] by gav

Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report, standardise colours and small correction to 4th pie chart.

7:23 AM Changeset [536] by gav

Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.

May 16, 2010:

5:47 PM Changeset [535] by gav

Improvements to Reactive Ratio Report.

3:49 PM Changeset [534] by gav

Refactor CreateDataService so that demo asset tree is created first, thus allowing assets to be assigned to demo tasks.
Also some adjustmets so that Demo Manager has some recurring tasks to view.

May 15, 2010:

10:14 PM Changeset [533] by gav

Add ReportController, TaskReportService and start template reports.

8:43 PM Changeset [532] by gav

Install jasper plugin.
Add BuildConfig.groovy.
Svn delete mysql-connector jar since it is now a dependancy in BuildConfig and download from maven central, version also updated to 5.1.9.

May 14, 2010:

12:13 PM Changeset [531] by gav

Refactor UpadateRev script to improve handling when not running in a working copy.

May 10, 2010:

2:00 PM Changeset [530] by gav

Small spelling correction.

8:30 AM Changeset [529] by gav

Tweak CreateDataService to prevent issues during testing.
Repair getBudgetTasks() search.
Complete testGetBudgetTasks() test.

8:28 AM Changeset [528] by gav

Prevent updateVcsRevision running in test environment.

May 7, 2010:

6:06 PM Changeset [527] by gav

Refactor UpadateRev script to fix classNotFound exception and make script re-usable, part 2.

6:05 PM Changeset [526] by gav

Refactor UpadateRev script to fix classNotFound exception and make script re-usable.

May 6, 2010:

5:24 PM Ticket #64 (Task search returns duplicate records during pagination in some ...) closed by Gavin
fixed: Change quick searches to use HQL. Prevent sorting by attentionFlag …
4:28 PM Changeset [525] by gav

Default task search results per page to 100.

3:51 PM Changeset [524] by gav

Refactor TaskSearchServicve getBudgetTasks() to use HQL.

3:48 PM Changeset [523] by gav

Remove "Predictive Maintenance" TaskType.

May 4, 2010:

10:10 PM Changeset [522] by gav

Add UpdateRev.groovy and _Events.groovy scripts to update application.properties and metadata at compile time to svn base revision.

12:35 AM Changeset [521] by gav

Add version information to about view.

May 3, 2010:

7:05 PM Changeset [520] by gav

Add SVN revision keyword to application properties file.

May 1, 2010:

8:13 PM Changeset [519] by gav

Show a development header logo in all environments except production.

3:04 AM Changeset [518] by gav

Allow InventoryItemPurchase, invoicePaymentApproved and receivedComplete to be edited, part 2, limit to 'orders'.

2:39 AM Changeset [517] by gav

Allow InventoryItemPurchase, invoicePaymentApproved and receivedComplete to be edited.

2:20 AM Changeset [516] by gav

Prevent tasks in the trash being returned by filterPane unless explicitly requested.

Apr 30, 2010:

3:41 AM Changeset [515] by gav

Default task dates to today when manually creating a sub task.

Apr 29, 2010:

5:01 AM Changeset [514] by gav

Added integration test for TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks().
Extended TaskService.delete() to handle assignedPersons and assignedGroups.
Use safe collection navigation in AssignedGroupService and AssignedPersonService?.

Apr 28, 2010:

11:16 PM Changeset [513] by gav

Prevent filterPane from sorting by attentionFlag, see ticket #64.

11:14 PM Changeset [512] by gav

Refactor TaskSearchService.getTasks() to use HQL and avoid bug in ticket #64, also extend associated tests.

10:47 PM Ticket #64 (Task search returns duplicate records during pagination in some ...) created by Gavin
This only occurs with the following conditions: 1. When not using …
5:02 PM Changeset [511] by gav

Adjust TaskSearchService.getPersonsTasks() so that if a person created it and is leadPerson then that task is returned.
Started on integration tests for TaskSearchService.

4:19 PM Changeset [510] by gav

Adding an entry to a task with no time booked will now leave the task as "Not Started".
Reopening a task will check if the task should be "In Progress" or "Not Started".
Added integration tests for above.
Added TaskService.delete() since it is required for integration tests.

4:13 PM Changeset [509] by gav

Some comments to CreateDataServiceTests.

Apr 23, 2010:

5:53 PM Changeset [508] by gav

Base data is now created during bootstrap in all environments.
Add stdout log appender to test environment.
Add CreateDataServiceTests.

2:42 PM Changeset [507] by gav

Add inventoryGroup to inventory search view and export.

12:29 PM Changeset [506] by gav

Create data adjustment, split createBasePersonGroupTypes into a separate method.
Small adjustment to person show and edit views, add group link and only show active PersonGroups.

10:35 AM Changeset [505] by gav

Some commenting to AppConfigServiceTests.

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.