May 27, 2009:
- 3:02 PM Ticket #19 (Investigate CI and testing frameworks) created by
- Find, analyse and start to implement a testing framework. We …
- 2:31 PM Ticket #18 (Implement item search page for Task, Inventory and Asset menu dropdowns.) created by
- Each page will have Quick and Advanced. Quick will have pre-prepared …
May 15, 2009:
May 13, 2009:
- 7:36 PM Changeset [135] by
Protect taskRecurringSchedule from creating if one already exists.
Turn some taskInstance text into links.
Work on taskRecurringSchedule detail and creation.
- 12:51 PM Changeset [134] by
Add icons from famfamfam silk icons, add acknowledgement page to suite.
Adjust AssignedPerson? controller so that a task.id is required to create.
Move Add AssignedPerson? link up to TaskDetailed? show page.
Further improvements to taskDetailed show tabs.
Adjust TaskProcedureDetailed? controller to allow linking a Procedure to a task during creation.
Adjust TaskRecurringSchedule? to a one-to-one cascading relationship.
Modify CSS class duration to time and added icons.
Regenerate some pages.
May 10, 2009:
May 8, 2009:
- 11:51 PM Changeset [133] by
Work on Detail views for Task, TaskProcedure? and MaintenanceAction?.
- 12:13 PM Changeset [132] by
Small rename TaskAction? to MaintenanceAction?, compiles and runs.
- 1:01 AM Changeset [131] by
Reconfigure Planned Maintenance again, now Preventative Maintenance, TaskProcedure? and MaintenanceAction?
May 6, 2009:
- 4:13 AM Changeset [130] by
Reconfigure for Planned Maintenance
- 4:00 AM Changeset [129] by
Reconfigure for Planned Maintenance
- 3:41 AM Changeset [128] by
Installed templates with grails install-templates
- 3:40 AM Changeset [127] by
Logins now route through a welcome action to allow flash message and user environment setup. Session timeout now user configurable and defaults to 12 hours. Work on Planned Maintenance.
May 5, 2009:
- 5:12 AM Changeset [126] by
Disable Quartz job for now. Install Richui plugin and setup tabView on TaskDetailed?/show.gsp
May 4, 2009:
- 4:49 PM Changeset [125] by
Detail Inventory and associated, update BootStrap? and some work on TaskRecurringScheduleJob?
- 1:59 PM Changeset [124] by
Detail controller and views for Asset, AssetExtendedAttribute?, PlannedMaintenance?, MaintenanceAction?, RecurringSchedule?, SystemSection?.
Some minor work on Task controller and views.
Change PlannedMaintenance? relationship, adjust ERD, Bootstrap and Domain classes to suite.
- 5:12 AM Changeset [123] by
Install Quartz plugin and make a start on TaskRecurringScheduleJob?
- 1:08 AM Ticket #16 (Implement the Asset domain) closed by
- fixed: Domain implemented along with basic functionality.
- 1:07 AM Ticket #15 (Implement the Inventory domain) closed by
- fixed: Domain implemented along with basic functionality.
May 1, 2009:
- 3:27 PM Changeset [122] by
Run generate-all on all controllers and views except Person and Authority.
Extensive work on Asset domain and application now compiles and runs well.
Update BootStrap? to suite.
- 12:48 PM CodingConventions edited by
- (diff)
- 12:18 PM WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 12:16 PM Help edited by
- (diff)
- 12:15 PM Help created by
- 11:54 AM Installing created by
- 12:00 AM Milestone 0.2 - Inventory+Asset domains completed
- * Design and implemement the Inventory domain. * Include only the …
Apr 30, 2009:
- 9:36 PM Changeset [121] by
Extensive update to Asset ERD and associated domain classes, not compiled or tested.
- 7:50 PM GeneralNews edited by
- (diff)
- 7:28 PM Changeset [120] by
Delete ERD_Schema.odt and dataModel.png as no longer required.
Massive revision of ERD.
Slight tweak to BootStrap?.
Apr 29, 2009:
- 3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) closed by
- fixed
- 3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) created by
- Sites can now be enabled/disabled individually thanks to split config …