Apr 30, 2009:
- 9:36 PM Changeset [121] by
Extensive update to Asset ERD and associated domain classes, not compiled or tested.
- 7:50 PM GeneralNews edited by
- (diff)
- 7:28 PM Changeset [120] by
Delete ERD_Schema.odt and dataModel.png as no longer required.
Massive revision of ERD.
Slight tweak to BootStrap?.
Apr 29, 2009:
- 3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) closed by
- fixed
- 3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) created by
- Sites can now be enabled/disabled individually thanks to split config …
Apr 17, 2009:
- 9:11 AM Changeset [119] by
Fix Frequency.toString()
- 12:17 AM Changeset [118] by
First commit of Asset domain, including domain-classes, controllers, views and bootstrap.
Apr 16, 2009:
- 5:26 PM GeneralNews edited by
- (diff)
- 5:13 PM Ticket #16 (Implement the Asset domain) created by
- Improve the ERD design and implement the Asset domain.
Apr 15, 2009:
- 5:53 PM Changeset [117] by
Some inventory additions to BootStrap?
Apr 14, 2009:
- 10:16 PM Changeset [116] by
First commit of Inventory domain, including domain-classes, controllers, views and bootstrap. Also double check/adjust as required security extends in controllers.
- 1:18 PM Changeset [115] by
ERD and InventoryTerms? are ready to start creating the domain-classes.
- 10:03 AM Changeset [114] by
Small adjustment to BootStrap? Tasks, adjust link in assignedPersonDetailed show and change from using quotation marks to bold type on login page.
Apr 11, 2009:
- 11:45 PM Changeset [113] by
Lots of work on ERD, Inventory and Asset associations. Update TaskTerms? and added InventoryTerms? to suite.
Apr 10, 2009:
- 6:12 PM Ticket #15 (Implement the Inventory domain) created by
- Improve the ERD design and implement the Inventory domain.
Apr 9, 2009:
- 11:55 PM Changeset [112] by
Work on Inventory domain in ERD and add colour legend.
- 5:23 AM Changeset [111] by
Test svn hook
- 3:38 AM Changeset [110] by
IE strikes again, small work around applied.
Apr 8, 2009:
- 5:43 PM Changeset [109] by
Work on Inventory domain in ERD.
- 11:14 AM Ticket #14 (Tserver scripting, post-commit hooks, dist-upgade, groups and ...) closed by
- fixed
- 11:13 AM Ticket #14 (Tserver scripting, post-commit hooks, dist-upgade, groups and ...) created by
- * Tserver has been upgraded to Lenny and all that goes with that. * …
- 10:29 AM GeneralNews edited by
- (diff)
Apr 7, 2009:
- 1:17 AM Changeset [108] by
Testing post commit hook.
- 1:12 AM Changeset [107] by
Ignore *.war and remove application version as it's just annoying at this stage.
- 12:21 AM Changeset [106] by
Some CSS adjustments to text color, img border, remove body height:100%, add buttons input.add to CSS.
Move admin stuff to AppAdmin? to make it very clear that it is not for daily use.
TaskDetailed? list and delete now use the IsActive? attribute.
Remove Task.comment size constraint.
Add more help-ballons to TaskDetailed? create.
Clean loose comments from main.gsp and auth.gsp
Use pretty pictures in TaskDetailed? views instead of Edit and Show words.
Apr 6, 2009:
Apr 5, 2009:
- 3:49 PM Changeset [105] by
Tidy up after move.
- 3:43 PM Changeset [104] by
Move /trunk/src/* to /trunk/
- 3:41 PM Changeset [103] by
Rename /src to /appsrc in preparation for moving /trunk/src/* to /trunk/
- 3:19 PM Changeset [102] by
Tweak BootStrap? data.
- 2:46 PM Changeset [101] by
Remove hidden person.id field as it is not used due to not being secure.
- 1:07 PM Changeset [100] by
Set /web-app/plugins to ignore, since grails deletes the dir on a 'grails clean' and then svn complains about missing .svn
- 1:01 PM Changeset [99] by
Tweaking to the Change Password view, control and errors.
Remove /web-app/plugins dir.
Apr 4, 2009:
- 6:41 PM Changeset [98] by
Installed help-balloons plugin.
Adjust security config to allow javascript and help-balloons folders.
Add "Repeat password" to change password.
Detailed Entry views, including only allow user to edit their own entries.
Adjust Entry constraints.
Add comments to layouts/main.gsp.
Work on TaskDetailed? view to show entry durations and allow editing.
Entry duration formatting to CSS and increased base font size to 14px.
Apr 1, 2009:
- 5:12 AM Ticket #13 (Implement audit/changelog using TaskModifications domain) created by
- * At least the created modification needs to be implemented and added …
- 5:10 AM Ticket #12 (After an update or save sometimes old/stale data/vaules are shown) created by
- A browser refresh causes the new data to be shown, so the data is …
- 5:07 AM Changeset [97] by
Squashed the password validation bug in Person edit
Mar 31, 2009:
- 5:43 AM Changeset [96] by
Implemented the bulk of AssignedPerson? domain
- 2:34 AM Changeset [95] by
Set svn to ignore stacktrack.log by: propedit svn:ignore src/