
May 15, 2009:

4:09 PM Changeset [136] by gav

Work on TaskRecurringSchedule?.

May 13, 2009:

7:36 PM Changeset [135] by gav

Protect taskRecurringSchedule from creating if one already exists.
Turn some taskInstance text into links.
Work on taskRecurringSchedule detail and creation.

12:51 PM Changeset [134] by gav

Add icons from famfamfam silk icons, add acknowledgement page to suite.
Adjust AssignedPerson? controller so that a task.id is required to create.
Move Add AssignedPerson? link up to TaskDetailed? show page.
Further improvements to taskDetailed show tabs.
Adjust TaskProcedureDetailed? controller to allow linking a Procedure to a task during creation.
Adjust TaskRecurringSchedule? to a one-to-one cascading relationship.
Modify CSS class duration to time and added icons.
Regenerate some pages.

May 10, 2009:

9:35 PM SubversionAccess edited by Gavin

May 8, 2009:

11:51 PM Changeset [133] by gav

Work on Detail views for Task, TaskProcedure? and MaintenanceAction?.

12:13 PM Changeset [132] by gav

Small rename TaskAction? to MaintenanceAction?, compiles and runs.

1:01 AM Changeset [131] by gav

Reconfigure Planned Maintenance again, now Preventative Maintenance, TaskProcedure? and MaintenanceAction?

May 6, 2009:

4:13 AM Changeset [130] by gav

Reconfigure for Planned Maintenance

4:00 AM Changeset [129] by gav

Reconfigure for Planned Maintenance

3:41 AM Changeset [128] by gav

Installed templates with grails install-templates

3:40 AM Changeset [127] by gav

Logins now route through a welcome action to allow flash message and user environment setup. Session timeout now user configurable and defaults to 12 hours. Work on Planned Maintenance.

May 5, 2009:

5:12 AM Changeset [126] by gav

Disable Quartz job for now. Install Richui plugin and setup tabView on TaskDetailed?/show.gsp

May 4, 2009:

4:49 PM Changeset [125] by gav

Detail Inventory and associated, update BootStrap? and some work on TaskRecurringScheduleJob?

1:59 PM Changeset [124] by gav

Detail controller and views for Asset, AssetExtendedAttribute?, PlannedMaintenance?, MaintenanceAction?, RecurringSchedule?, SystemSection?.
Some minor work on Task controller and views.
Change PlannedMaintenance? relationship, adjust ERD, Bootstrap and Domain classes to suite.

5:12 AM Changeset [123] by gav

Install Quartz plugin and make a start on TaskRecurringScheduleJob?

1:08 AM Ticket #16 (Implement the Asset domain) closed by Gavin
fixed: Domain implemented along with basic functionality.
1:07 AM Ticket #15 (Implement the Inventory domain) closed by Gavin
fixed: Domain implemented along with basic functionality.

May 1, 2009:

3:27 PM Changeset [122] by gav

Run generate-all on all controllers and views except Person and Authority.
Extensive work on Asset domain and application now compiles and runs well.
Update BootStrap? to suite.

12:48 PM CodingConventions edited by Gavin
12:18 PM WikiStart edited by Gavin
12:16 PM Help edited by Gavin
12:15 PM Help created by Gavin
11:54 AM Installing created by Gavin
12:00 AM Milestone 0.2 - Inventory+Asset domains completed
* Design and implemement the Inventory domain. * Include only the …

Apr 30, 2009:

9:36 PM Changeset [121] by gav

Extensive update to Asset ERD and associated domain classes, not compiled or tested.

7:50 PM GeneralNews edited by Gavin
7:28 PM Changeset [120] by gav

Delete ERD_Schema.odt and dataModel.png as no longer required.
Massive revision of ERD.
Slight tweak to BootStrap?.

Apr 29, 2009:

3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) closed by Gavin
3:52 PM Ticket #17 (Https(ssl), phpmyadmin and split apache2 sites-available into seperate ...) created by Gavin
Sites can now be enabled/disabled individually thanks to split config …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.