Mar 7, 2009:
- 4:35 AM Changeset [68] by
Develop and update doc/Definitions as TaskRewrite? progresses.
- 4:33 AM Changeset [67] by
SVN delete .settings dir, don't need it, don't know where it came from, don't want it.
- 4:32 AM Changeset [66] by
Add domains Entry, Task, Modification with task rewrites and associated Types/Status? etc.
Generate controllers and views.
Update Bootstrap.groovy and Person.groovy to suite.
Mar 6, 2009:
- 8:51 PM Changeset [65] by
Some minor format and label correction.
Feb 9, 2009:
- 8:31 PM Changeset [64] by
Add PersonGroup/Type? to Bootstrap.
- 5:41 PM Changeset [63] by
Add doc definitions for Task and Entry.
- 4:37 PM Changeset [62] by
Add import security to required files.
Feb 8, 2009:
- 11:31 PM Changeset [61] by
Add personGroupType views.
- 11:31 PM Changeset [60] by
Add personGroup views.
- 11:28 PM Changeset [59] by
Lots of changes to setup Acegi, should be complete with all current pages secured.
Added CSS and PersonGroup? and PersonGroupType?.
Adjust BootStrap? to suite.
Add Home and Admin pages.
Feb 7, 2009:
- 6:52 PM Changeset [58] by
Configure BootStrap? with latest concepts.
Install and setup Acegi plugin with custom views.
Test Fixture plugin in a test app but couldn't get it to work with Acegi encodePassword() so gave up.