Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#30 Implement purchase orders new enhancement 0.8 - Purchasing and Inventory Improvements gnuMims - application general
#87 Implement "Order on Hold" feature on reorder search view. new enhancement 0.8 - Purchasing and Inventory Improvements gnuMims - application general
#66 Feature request: Calendar view to shown assignedGroup totals new enhancement 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application general
#82 Ability to select task assets from asset tree new enhancement 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application general
#92 Working Shift feature required new enhancement 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application general
#95 New yellow pendingResolution flag on Tasks new enhancement 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application general
#102 Security regression tests for bypass by adding ".html' to the URL new enhancement 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application security
#106 PM Entry time not being counted in Reactive Ratio report new Gavin defect 0.9 - General Improvements gnuMims - application general
#19 Investigate CI and testing frameworks new task 0.x - Future Tserver - server admin
#32 Show only the non-detailed controllers in 'admin' view new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#33 Fault entries and work requests. new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#34 Task overdue/warning flag new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#40 Feature to assemble a 'work order' from task new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#41 Production report from fault entries new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#43 Base type domain classes should have caching enabled new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#46 Reminder: Check for optimistic locking in edit views new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#56 An improved way to assign a parent to an existing task is required new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#58 Reminder: check for and correct to ${X.encodeAsHtml()} where required. new task 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#60 Make the asset tree more flexible by changing Section to self referencing new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#79 Reminder: Test CSV import functions and stop/start searchable index new defect 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#89 Contractor management new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#94 Inventory item audit with expiry new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
#103 Labour Utilisation reports new enhancement 0.x - Future gnuMims - application general
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.