Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#83 New reorder search view should limit back order to a month defect blocker gnuMims - application general trunk
#85 Null pointer bug on inventory report Gavin defect blocker gnuMims - application general trunk
#98 Annotation based security is easy to bypass by adding ".html' to the URL Gavin defect blocker gnuMims - application security trunk
#105 InventoryItemPurchase's can't be deleted when order quantity = 0 defect blocker gnuMims - application general trunk
#96 Remove unused fields from InventoryItem enhancement critical gnuMims - application general trunk
#39 CostCodes need to have persons authorised to use them enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#71 Remember inventoryItemPurchase search and sort. enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#74 InventoryItemPurchase requires unique constraint on purchaseOrderNumber for an InventoryItem enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#75 TODO: rename InventoryItem property 'enableReorder' to 'enableReorderListing' enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#76 Inventory text search stops working sometimes with: Failed to rename index Gavin defect major gnuMims - application general trunk
#77 Secure cost codes enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#86 View required to show total hours scheduled for a date. enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#90 Inventory items - recommended reorder enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#91 Purchasing - run order price update when invoice is updated. defect major gnuMims - application general trunk
#97 Drop the entire Manufacturer domain concept enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#42 Work flow for sharing task numbers enhancement major gnuMims - application general trunk
#72 Add resource numbers to assigned group Gavin enhancement minor gnuMims - application general trunk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.