14 years |
gav |
Replace leadPerson with primaryAsset in task search and searchCalendar …
14 years |
gav |
Update listSubTasks view to use list template, part 2.
14 years |
gav |
Fix task search filterpane memory bug.
14 years |
gav |
Update service, controller and view logic to hand Task and Entry …
14 years |
gav |
AJAX Work Done and PM Entry, second draft.
14 years |
gav |
Domain change, first draft of TaskProcedureRevisions.
14 years |
gav |
Allow 100 MaintenanceActions? in Task show view.
14 years |
gav |
Dynamic task quick search feature.
14 years |
gav |
New workLoad search view and logic to suite.
15 years |
gav |
Default to 200 results on listSubTasks view.
15 years |
gav |
Fix NPE during pagination after setSearchParamsMax in search views.
15 years |
gav |
Improvements to task search filter pane.
15 years |
gav |
Revert task searchCalendar to displaying tasks, the rest of ticket #66 …
15 years |
gav |
First draft of displaying work load on task calendar, see ticket #66.
15 years |
gav |
New defaultSort for Tasks, sort by status then priority then target …
15 years |
gav |
Domain change, remove scheduled attribute from Task.
Update views and …
15 years |
gav |
Get Inventory Search filterpane associatedPropertyValues in controller …
15 years |
gav |
Small refator of DateUtilService.
New plusMonth() replaces …
15 years |
gav |
Get Task Search filterpane associatedPropertyValues in controller …
15 years |
gav |
Default task search results per page to 100.
15 years |
gav |
Prevent tasks in the trash being returned by filterPane unless …
15 years |
gav |
Prevent filterPane from sorting by attentionFlag, see ticket #64.
15 years |
gav |
Add work done by person and date feature with view and search logic.
15 years |
gav |
Replace nulling of session attributes with removeAttribute() in task …
15 years |
gav |
Default scheduled to true when creating a new Scheduled task.
Add …
15 years |
gav |
Remember user's sort in task search view.
15 years |
gav |
Some comments to TaskDetailedController and TaskSearchService.
15 years |
gav |
Improve task search and calendar logic.
Move task quick search links …
15 years |
gav |
Add taskType to Task search view export.
15 years |
gav |
Scroll month feature to task search calendar.
Add reasoning, asset and …
15 years |
gav |
Remove 'ROLE_TaskUser' permission from create scheduled task action.
15 years |
gav |
Add inventory item purchase search view and logic.
15 years |
gav |
Set renegeApproval permissions to the same as approve ie task manager.
15 years |
gav |
Add create unsheduled task feature.
Refactor task priorities.
Limit …
15 years |
gav |
Add attentionFlag to Task domain along with views and logic to suite. …
15 years |
gav |
Added a create breakin task feature.
15 years |
gav |
Change TaskService create* to save* methods.
15 years |
gav |
Capitalise export file name.
15 years |
gav |
Minor code formatting.
15 years |
gav |
Add options control to asset search view.
15 years |
gav |
Set base authorisations on all controllers.
15 years |
gav |
Svn move PersonService to AuthService?.
15 years |
gav |
Complete options div and max task results per page feature.
15 years |
gav |
Improve bulk data creation batch times and use dynamic allocation of …
15 years |
gav |
Add case insensitive sorting to Task show view, assignedPersons and …
15 years |
gav |
Remove/commented out the ability to change the parent task, since this …
15 years |
gav |
Complete inventory movement implementation as per ticket #24.
Refactor …
15 years |
gav |
Replace personService.currentUser() with the more groovy …
15 years |
gav |
Clicking on a searchCalendar day allows user to create a task with …
15 years |
gav |
Upgrade filterpane plugin to 0.6.4 from 0.6.2 and switch to …
15 years |
gav |
Remove some no longer used imports and injections.
15 years |
gav |
Switch Task to the Grails provided attach() from refresh().
15 years |
gav |
Refactor taskService update() and enable optimistic version checking.
15 years |
gav |
Exclude tasks in trash from subTask lists.
Add create subTask …
15 years |
gav |
Switch creatDemoEntries to use the taskService.createEntry service. …
15 years |
gav |
Small refactor to use personService where appropriate.
15 years |
gav |
Change is* in Task to just 'active', 'scheduled' and 'approved'. …
15 years |
gav |
Add support for taskModification audit/change log, the create and …
15 years |
gav |
Format to 4 spaces, no tabs.
15 years |
gav |
Resolve ticket #12 again.
Turn query cache on again since this did not …
15 years |
gav |
Substantial refactor of the Inventory domain.
InventoryItems can now …
15 years |
gav |
Fix looping bug when a parentTask is selected from a task that is …
15 years |
gav |
Install export plugin.
Add budget 'planned' and 'unplanned' search view.
15 years |
gav |
Work on Task searching.
Add calendar view for Tasks.
Cleaner look for …
15 years |
gav |
Re-install class-diagram from local svn build with patch to allow war …
15 years |
gav |
Work on TaskSearchService?.
15 years |
gav |
Busy adding TaskSearchService?.
15 years |
gav |
Install filterPane plugin and configure for Tasks.
15 years |
gav |
Install Navigation plugin, work on navigation and hopefully fixed a …
16 years |
gav |
Update to grails-1.1.1 release.
Fix WorkDone? and Fault entries not …
16 years |
gav |
Add icons from famfamfam silk icons, add acknowledgement page to …
16 years |
gav |
Work on Detail views for Task, TaskProcedure? and MaintenanceAction?.
16 years |
gav |
Reconfigure Planned Maintenance again, now Preventative Maintenance, …
16 years |
gav |
Detail controller and views for Asset, AssetExtendedAttribute?, …
16 years |
gav |
Some CSS adjustments to text color, img border, remove body …
16 years |
gav |
Move /trunk/src/* to /trunk/
copied from trunk/appsrc/grails-app/controllers/TaskDetailedController.groovy:
16 years |
gav |
Rename /src to /appsrc in preparation for moving /trunk/src/* to /trunk/