1 | person.pass.minSize.notmet=Password is less than the minimum size of [{3}] |
2 | person.pass.blank=Password cannot be blank |
3 | person.pass.doesNotMatch=Passwords must match |
4 | |
5 | entry.duration=Duration |
6 | entry.duration.help=The time (hh:mm) booked against this entry for date done. |
7 | |
8 | task.assignedPersons=Assigned Persons |
9 | task.assignedPersons.help=The persons assigned to work on this task during planning along with estimated time. |
10 | task.description=Task Description |
11 | task.description.help=Short basic description of the task. |
12 | task.comment=Task Comment |
13 | task.comment.help=Long text for additional info, only shown in detail views. |
14 | task.targetStartDate=Target Start Date |
15 | task.targetStartDate.help=The date we would like the task to start, set during scheduling. |
16 | task.targetCompletionDate=Target Completion Date |
17 | task.targetCompletionDate.help=The date we would like the task to be completed by, set during scheduling. |
18 | task.leadPerson=Lead Person |
19 | task.leadPerson.help=The primay contact person. |
20 | |
21 | default.doesnt.match.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not match the required pattern [{3}] |
22 | default.invalid.url.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid URL |
23 | default.invalid.creditCard.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid credit card number |
24 | default.invalid.email.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid e-mail address |
25 | default.invalid.range.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not fall within the valid range from [{3}] to [{4}] |
26 | default.invalid.size.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not fall within the valid size range from [{3}] to [{4}] |
27 | default.invalid.max.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] exceeds maximum value [{3}] |
28 | default.invalid.min.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is less than minimum value [{3}] |
29 | default.invalid.max.size.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] exceeds the maximum size of [{3}] |
30 | default.invalid.min.size.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is less than the minimum size of [{3}] |
31 | default.invalid.validator.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not pass custom validation |
32 | default.not.inlist.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not contained within the list [{3}] |
33 | default.blank.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be blank |
34 | default.not.equal.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] cannot equal [{3}] |
35 | default.null.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be null |
36 | default.not.unique.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] must be unique |
37 | |
38 | default.paginate.prev=Previous |
39 | default.paginate.next=Next |
40 | |
41 | # Data binding errors. Use "typeMismatch.$className.$propertyName to customize (eg typeMismatch.Book.author) |
42 | typeMismatch.java.net.URL=Property {0} must be a valid URL |
43 | typeMismatch.java.net.URI=Property {0} must be a valid URI |
44 | typeMismatch.java.util.Date=Property {0} must be a valid Date |
45 | typeMismatch.java.lang.Double=Property {0} must be a valid number |
46 | typeMismatch.java.lang.Integer=Property {0} must be a valid number |
47 | typeMismatch.java.lang.Long=Property {0} must be a valid number |
48 | typeMismatch.java.lang.Short=Property {0} must be a valid number |
49 | typeMismatch.java.math.BigDecimal=Property {0} must be a valid number |
50 | typeMismatch.java.math.BigInteger=Property {0} must be a valid number |
51 | |
52 | |