import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager']) class InventoryStoreDetailedController extends BaseController { def filterService @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager', 'ROLE_InventoryUser']) def index = { redirect(action:list,params:params) } // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests static allowedMethods = [delete:'POST', save:'POST', update:'POST'] def list = { params.max = Math.min( params.max ? params.max.toInteger() : 100, 1000 ) def associatedPropertyMax = 1000 def associatedPropertyValues = [:] def siteNameQuery = 'select distinct from Site a where a.isActive = ? order by' associatedPropertyValues.siteList = Site.executeQuery(siteNameQuery, [true], [max:associatedPropertyMax]) if(!params.filter) { return [inventoryStoreInstanceList: InventoryStore.list(params), inventoryStoreInstanceTotal: InventoryStore.count(), associatedPropertyValues: associatedPropertyValues, filterParams: params] } // filterPane: return[ inventoryStoreInstanceList: filterService.filter( params, InventoryStore ), inventoryStoreInstanceTotal: filterService.count( params, InventoryStore ), associatedPropertyValues: associatedPropertyValues, filterParams: com.zeddware.grails.plugins.filterpane.FilterUtils.extractFilterParams(params), params:params ] } @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager', 'ROLE_InventoryUser']) def show = { // In the case of an actionSubmit button, rewrite action name from 'index'. if(params._action_Show) params.action='show' def inventoryStoreInstance = InventoryStore.get( ) if(!inventoryStoreInstance) { flash.message = "InventoryStore not found with id ${}" redirect(action:list) } else { return [ inventoryStoreInstance : inventoryStoreInstance ] } } def delete = { def inventoryStoreInstance = InventoryStore.get( ) if(inventoryStoreInstance) { try { inventoryStoreInstance.delete(flush:true) flash.message = "InventoryStore ${} deleted" redirect(action:list) } catch(org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e) { flash.message = "InventoryStore ${} could not be deleted" redirect(action:show, } } else { flash.message = "InventoryStore not found with id ${}" redirect(action:list) } } def edit = { // In the case of an actionSubmit button, rewrite action name from 'index'. if(params._action_Edit) params.action='edit' def inventoryStoreInstance = InventoryStore.get( ) if(!inventoryStoreInstance) { flash.message = "InventoryStore not found with id ${}" redirect(action:list) } else { return [ inventoryStoreInstance : inventoryStoreInstance ] } } def update = { def inventoryStoreInstance = InventoryStore.get( ) if(inventoryStoreInstance) { if(params.version) { def version = params.version.toLong() if(inventoryStoreInstance.version > version) { inventoryStoreInstance.errors.rejectValue("version", "default.optimistic.locking.failure") render(view:'edit',model:[inventoryStoreInstance:inventoryStoreInstance]) return } } = params if(!inventoryStoreInstance.hasErrors() && true)) { flash.message = "InventoryStore ${} updated" redirect(action:show, } else { render(view:'edit',model:[inventoryStoreInstance:inventoryStoreInstance]) } } else { flash.message = "InventoryStore not found with id ${}" redirect(action:list) } } def create = { def inventoryStoreInstance = new InventoryStore() = params return ['inventoryStoreInstance':inventoryStoreInstance] } def save = { def inventoryStoreInstance = new InventoryStore(params) if(!inventoryStoreInstance.hasErrors() && true)) { flash.message = "InventoryStore ${} created" redirect(action:show, } else { render(view:'create',model:[inventoryStoreInstance:inventoryStoreInstance]) } } }