import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.* import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils /** * Controller class for the application core views. */ class AppCoreController extends BaseController { def authService def appConfigService def createDataService def searchableService def createBulkDataService def index = { redirect(action:start,params:params) } // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests //def allowedMethods = [delete:'POST', save:'POST', update:'POST'] /** * This is where we arrive after login. * Attach the welcome flash message and redirect to where ever we want the user to start. * e.g. redirect(controller:"taskDetailed", action:"search") */ def welcome = { def personInstance = authService.currentUser flash.message = "Welcome, ${personInstance.firstName} ${personInstance.lastName}." def sess = getSession() sess.setMaxInactiveInterval(personInstance.sessionTimeout) redirect(action:start) } /** * Render the start view. */ def start = { def grailsVersion = grailsApplication.metadata['app.grails.version'] def applicationVersion = grailsApplication.metadata['app.version'] def applicationName = grailsApplication.metadata[''] def applicationVcsRevision = grailsApplication.metadata['app.vcsRevision'] // Build the application string. def applicationString = WordUtils.capitalize(applicationName) if(applicationVersion) applicationString += "-" + applicationVersion if(applicationVcsRevision) { if(applicationVcsRevision.size() > 7) { // Svn's $Rev: NUM $ applicationVcsRevision = applicationVcsRevision[6..-3] applicationString += " (rev " + applicationVcsRevision + ")" } else applicationString += " (" + applicationVcsRevision + ")" } // Build the plugins string. def pluginProperties = grailsApplication.metadata.findAll {it.key.contains('plugin')} pluginProperties.each() { it.key = WordUtils.capitalize( (it.key + GString.EMPTY).split("\\.")[-1] ) } pluginProperties = pluginProperties.sort { p1, p2 -> p1.key.compareToIgnoreCase(p2.key) } def plugins = pluginProperties.collect{ it.key + '-' + it.value }.join(", ") def sections = Section.findAllByIsActive(true).sort { p1, p2 -> } return [grailsVersion: grailsVersion, applicationString: applicationString, plugins: plugins, sections: sections] } /** * Allow a person to change their session timeout setting. */ def changeSessionTimeout = { if (request.method == 'GET') { def personInstance = authService.currentUser return [ personInstance : personInstance ] } if (request.method == 'POST') { def personInstance = authService.currentUser = params if (!personInstance.hasErrors() && true)) { def sess = getSession() sess.setMaxInactiveInterval(personInstance.sessionTimeout) flash.message = "Session timeout changed." redirect(action:start) } else { render(view:'changeSessionTimeout',model:[personInstance:personInstance]) } } } /** * Allow a person to change their password. */ def changePassword = { //def principal = authenticateService.principal() // principal.getAuthorities() if (request.method == 'GET') { def personInstance = authService.currentUser return [ personInstance : personInstance ] } if (request.method == 'POST') { def personInstance = authService.currentUser if(params.confirmPass == params.pass) { personInstance.pass = params.pass personInstance.password = authService.encodePassword(personInstance.pass) if (!personInstance.hasErrors() && true)) { //userCache.removeUserFromCache(personInstance.loginName) flash.message = "Password changed successfully." redirect(action:start) } else { render(view:'changePassword',model:[personInstance:personInstance]) } } else { personInstance.errors.reject('person.pass.doesNotMatch', // Error code, see grails-app/i18n/ ['pass', 'class Person'].toArray(), // Groovy ListArray cast to Object[] '[NothingUseMessageProperites]') // Default mapping string. render(view:'changePassword',model:[personInstance:personInstance]) } } } /** * Render the manager view for manager or admin roles. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_TaskManager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager', 'ROLE_AssetManager', 'ROLE_ProductionManager']) def manager = { } /** * Render the appAdmin view for admin roles. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def appAdmin = { def offerBaseDataCreation = false def offerDemoDataCreation = false def baseDataCreated = appConfigService.exists("baseDataCreated") def demoDataCreated = appConfigService.exists("demoDataCreated") def demoDataCreationDisabled = appConfigService.exists("demoDataCreationDisabled") if(!baseDataCreated) offerBaseDataCreation = true if(baseDataCreated && !demoDataCreated && !demoDataCreationDisabled) offerDemoDataCreation = true return[baseDataCreated: baseDataCreated, demoDataCreated: demoDataCreated, offerDemoDataCreation: offerDemoDataCreation, offerBaseDataCreation: offerBaseDataCreation, demoDataCreationDisabled: demoDataCreationDisabled] } /** * Allow admin to disable demo data creation. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def disableDemoDataCreation = { if(!appConfigService.set("demoDataCreationDisabled")) { flash.message = "Demo data creation could not be disabled." redirect(action: appAdmin) return } // Success. flash.message = "Demo data creation disabled." redirect(action: appAdmin) } /** * Allow admin to create base data. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def createBaseData = { if(!createDataService.createBaseData()) { flash.message = "Base data could not be created." redirect(action: appAdmin) return } // Success. flash.message = "Base data created." redirect(action: appAdmin) } /** * Allow admin to create demo data. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def createDemoData = { if(!createDataService.createDemoData()) { flash.message = "Demo data could not be created." redirect(action: appAdmin) return } // Success. flash.message = "Demo data created." redirect(action: appAdmin) } /** * Allow admin to create bulk test data. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def createBulkTestData = { def result = createBulkDataService.createAll() if(!result.error) { flash.message = g.message(code:"default.create.success", args:["Bulk test data", '']) redirect(action: appAdmin) return } flash.errorMessage = g.message(code: result.error.code, args: result.error.args) redirect(action: appAdmin) } /** * Allow admin to create bulk inventory test data. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin']) def createBulkInventoryTestData = { def result = createBulkDataService.createBulkInventoryTestData() if(!result.error) { flash.message = g.message(code:"default.create.success", args:["Bulk test data", '']) redirect(action: appAdmin) return } flash.errorMessage = g.message(code: result.error.code, args: result.error.args) redirect(action: appAdmin) } /** * Render the application log file. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_TaskManager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager', 'ROLE_AssetManager', 'ROLE_ProductionManager']) def appLog = { def file = new File(ConfigurationHolder.config.log4j.appenders.appLog.file) // Success. [log: file.text] } /** * Rebuild the text search index. */ @Secured(['ROLE_AppAdmin', 'ROLE_Manager', 'ROLE_TaskManager', 'ROLE_InventoryManager', 'ROLE_AssetManager', 'ROLE_ProductionManager']) def rebuildTextSearchIndex = { InventoryIndexJob.triggerNow(['calledBy':'AppCoreController rebuildTextSearchIndex{}']) flash.message = g.message(code:"") redirect(action: manager) } } // end of class.