security { /** enable Spring Security or not */ active = false /** login user class fields (default user class = Person)*/ loginUserDomainClass = 'Person' userName = 'username' password = 'passwd' enabled = 'enabled' relationalAuthorities = 'authorities' //you can specify method for to retrieve the roles. (you need to set relationalAuthorities=null) getAuthoritiesMethod = null // 'getMoreAuthorities' /** * Authority domain class authority field name * authorityFieldInList */ authorityDomainClass = 'Authority' authorityField = 'authority' /** authenticationProcessingFilter */ authenticationFailureUrl = '/login/authfail?login_error=1' ajaxAuthenticationFailureUrl = '/login/authfail?ajax=true' defaultTargetUrl = '/' alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl = false filterProcessesUrl = '/j_spring_security_check' /** anonymousProcessingFilter */ key = 'foo' userAttribute = 'anonymousUser,ROLE_ANONYMOUS' /** authenticationEntryPoint */ loginFormUrl = '/login/auth' forceHttps = 'false' ajaxLoginFormUrl = '/login/authAjax' /** logoutFilter */ afterLogoutUrl = '/' /** accessDeniedHandler * set errorPage to null, if you want to get error code 403 (FORBIDDEN). */ errorPage = '/login/denied' ajaxErrorPage = '/login/deniedAjax' ajaxHeader = 'X-Requested-With' /** passwordEncoder */ //The digest algorithm to use. //Supports the named Message Digest Algorithms in the Java environment. // algorithm = 'SHA' // Ex. MD5 SHA //use Base64 text ( true or false ) encodeHashAsBase64 = false /** rememberMeServices */ cookieName = 'grails_remember_me' alwaysRemember = false tokenValiditySeconds = 1209600 //14 days parameter = '_spring_security_remember_me' rememberMeKey = 'grailsRocks' /** LoggerListener * ( add ',stdout' * to log4j.*.properties to see logs ) */ useLogger = false /** use RequestMap from DomainClass */ useRequestMapDomainClass = true /** Requestmap domain class (if useRequestMapDomainClass = true) */ requestMapClass = 'Requestmap' requestMapPathField = 'url' requestMapConfigAttributeField = 'configAttribute' /** use annotations from Controllers to define security rules */ useControllerAnnotations = false controllerAnnotationsMatcher = 'ant' // or 'regex' controllerAnnotationsMatchesLowercase = true controllerAnnotationStaticRules = [:] controllerAnnotationsRejectIfNoRule = false /** * if useRequestMapDomainClass is false, set request map pattern in string * see example below */ requestMapString = """ CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT /login/**=IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY /admin/**=ROLE_USER /book/test/**=IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY /book/**=ROLE_SUPERVISOR /**=IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY """ // basic auth realmName = 'Grails Realm' /** use basicProcessingFilter */ basicProcessingFilter = false /** use switchUserProcessingFilter */ switchUserProcessingFilter = false swswitchUserUrl = '/j_spring_security_switch_user' swexitUserUrl = '/j_spring_security_exit_user' swtargetUrl = '/' /**use email notification while registration*/ useMail = false mailHost = 'localhost' mailUsername = 'user@localhost' mailPassword = 'sungod' mailProtocol = 'smtp' mailFrom = 'user@localhost' mailPort = 25 /** default user's role for user registration */ defaultRole = 'ROLE_USER' // OpenId useOpenId = false openIdNonceMaxSeconds = 300 // max time between auth start and end // LDAP/ActiveDirectory useLdap = false ldapRetrieveGroupRoles = true ldapRetrieveDatabaseRoles = false ldapSearchSubtree = true ldapGroupRoleAttribute = 'cn' ldapPasswordAttributeName = 'userPassword' ldapServer = 'ldap://localhost:389' // 'ldap://', 'ldap://monkeymachine:389/dc=acegisecurity,dc=org' ldapManagerDn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' ldapManagerPassword = 'secret' ldapSearchBase = 'dc=example,dc=com' // 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com' ldapSearchFilter = '(uid={0})' //, '(mailNickname={0})' ldapGroupSearchBase = 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com' ldapGroupSearchFilter = 'uniquemember={0}' ldapUsePassword = true // Kerberos useKerberos = false kerberosLoginConfigFile = 'WEB-INF/jaas.conf' kerberosRealm = 'KERBEROS.REALM' kerberosKdc = 'krbserver.domain.lan' kerberosRetrieveDatabaseRoles = true // HttpSessionEventPublisher useHttpSessionEventPublisher = false // user caching cacheUsers = true // CAS useCAS = false cas.casServer = 'localhost' cas.casServerPort = '443' cas.casServerSecure = true cas.localhostSecure = true cas.failureURL = '/denied.jsp' cas.defaultTargetURL = '/' cas.fullLoginURL = 'https://localhost:443/cas/login' cas.fullServiceURL = 'https://localhost:443/cas' cas.authenticationProviderKey = 'cas_key_changeme' cas.userDetailsService = 'userDetailsService' cas.sendRenew = false cas.proxyReceptorUrl = '/secure/receptor' cas.filterProcessesUrl = '/j_spring_cas_security_check' // NTLM useNtlm = false ntlm.stripDomain = true ntlm.retryOnAuthFailure = true ntlm.forceIdentification = false ntlm.defaultDomain = null // set in SecurityConfig.groovy ntlm.netbiosWINS = null // set in SecurityConfig.groovy // port mappings httpPort = 8080 httpsPort = 8443 // secure channel filter (http/https) secureChannelDefinitionSource = '' channelConfig = [secure: [], insecure: []] // ip restriction filter ipRestrictions = [:] // Facebook Connect useFacebook = false facebook.filterProcessesUrl = '/j_spring_facebook_security_check' facebook.authenticationUrlRoot = '' facebook.apiKey = '' // set in SecurityConfig facebook.secretKey = '' // set in SecurityConfig }