Directory grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed/

Directory Created:
2009-10-29 20:30
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Lines of Code

grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
gav 12 (100.0%) 346 (100.0%) 28.8

Most Recent Commits

gav 2010-04-19 02:07 Rev.: 498

Improved table row onclick implementation for all detailed list and search views.

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: listInventoryMovements.gsp (+14 -6)
gav 2010-03-16 12:02 Rev.: 442

Small fix to inventory movement list view pagination.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: listInventoryMovements.gsp (+5 -5)
gav 2010-02-08 03:39 Rev.: 324

Remove surplus references to overlayPane.js

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (-1)
gav 2009-12-09 04:36 Rev.: 226

Complete functionality for inventory movement types other than "Used".

19 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (+19 -73)
gav 2009-12-08 04:03 Rev.: 225

Complete inventory movement implementation as per ticket #24.
Refactor showTab function in both Task and Inventory (which now has tabs).

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (+1 -1)
gav 2009-12-08 03:19 Rev.: 224

List the inventory movements for an inventoryItem.

68 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: listInventoryMovements.gsp (new 68)
gav 2009-12-04 14:08 Rev.: 217

Record person performing the inventory movement as per ticket #24.

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: show.gsp (+12 -2)
gav 2009-11-19 21:16 Rev.: 191

Improve entry creation so that entryType is passed in with the associated submitButton.
Refactor !InventoryMovementService and prevent create/delete of invenotryMovements on complete task.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (+4 -2)
gav 2009-11-02 13:17 Rev.: 177

Inventory movement quantity adjustments now done in a service.
!InventoryMovementType now has an incrementsInventory flag, so not dependant on the text name.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (+1 -2), show.gsp (+5)
gav 2009-10-29 20:30 Rev.: 175

Substantial refactor of the Inventory domain.
!InventoryItems can now be added to tasks, no quantity adjustments done yet.
Removed !StoredItem and with it the ability to store an inventoryItem in multiple places, just too complex right now.
Svn move !StoreLocation to !InventoryLocation.

217 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • grails-app/views/inventoryMovementDetailed: create.gsp (new 140), show.gsp (new 77)
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