Directory grails-app/taglib/

Directory Created:
2009-11-10 13:26
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Lines of Code

grails-app/taglib/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
gav 23 (100.0%) 947 (100.0%) 41.1

Most Recent Commits

gav 2010-06-08 16:28 Rev.: 582

New defaultSort for Tasks, sort by status then priority then target start date.
Small improvement to custom:sortableColumnWithImg to allow imgTitle to be specified.

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: CustomTagLib.groovy (+12 -5)
gav 2010-06-04 23:45 Rev.: 568

JavaScript util improvements, added toggleWithEffectUtil() and useDiv option to toggleControl taglib.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: JsUtilTagLib.groovy (+16 -6)
gav 2010-03-26 02:22 Rev.: 457

Refactor asset tree generation to improve speed by around 4 fold.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+4 -32)
gav 2010-02-28 17:25 Rev.: 417

New custom taglib: sortableColumnWithImg.

63 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: CustomTagLib.groovy (+63)
gav 2010-02-10 02:49 Rev.: 343

Improvements to !CustomTagLib checkBoxList, sorting, dynamic displayFields and a small fix to the domain class set method.

24 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: CustomTagLib.groovy (+24 -12)
gav 2010-02-08 03:23 Rev.: 323

Add toggleWithImgAndEffect to !JsUtil.
Replace control divs with our new !JsUtil toggleControl taglib.
Small CSS adjustment to asset tree pane close.

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: JsUtilTagLib.groovy (+10 -1)
gav 2010-02-08 02:51 Rev.: 322

Move !JavascriptService to !JsUtilService.
Consolidate similar !JsUtilService methods.
Create JsUtilTagLib.
Disable pulsing of asset tree loading image.

41 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+2 -2), JsUtilTagLib.groovy (new 39)
gav 2010-02-03 13:32 Rev.: 312

Refactor asset tree taglib to populate the asset tree table via an ajax call to !AssetTreeService.
Move assetTree javascript to it's own js file and util javascript to a util.js file and service.

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+33 -344)
gav 2010-02-01 10:09 Rev.: 308

Add a create site link to asset tree taglib if there are no sites yet.
Add a create department link to section create and edit views.

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+33 -1)
gav 2010-02-01 07:56 Rev.: 307

Asset tree taglib now saves it's status in the http session along with some improvement to the button css.

57 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+57 -37)
gav 2010-01-31 10:38 Rev.: 306

Move asset tree/overview to an overlay pane.

126 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+126 -99)
gav 2010-01-29 10:02 Rev.: 303

Add link option and field comments to !CustomTagLib checkBoxList.

32 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: CustomTagLib.groovy (+32 -2)
gav 2010-01-22 17:29 Rev.: 290

Secure and work on import asset tree functions.
Improvements to !CustomTagLib.

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: CustomTagLib.groovy (+16 -1)
gav 2010-01-21 16:07 Rev.: 286

Add !CustomTagLib with checkBoxList.

74 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+4 -1), CustomTagLib.groovy (new 70)
gav 2010-01-21 13:38 Rev.: 285

Add !AssetSubItemService and start moving methods to it.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+2 -2)
gav 2010-01-21 11:25 Rev.: 284

Move asset copy and create functions into !AssetService.
Repair create links in !AssetTreeTagLib.

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+8 -5)
gav 2010-01-21 07:31 Rev.: 282

Clean up css for !AssetTreeTagLib.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+7 -7)
gav 2010-01-20 20:42 Rev.: 279

Add sorting to !AssetTagLib.

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (+7 -7)
gav 2010-01-20 20:34 Rev.: 278

Add !AssetTreeTagLib and asset overview.
Complete asset copy function with link and copy choices.

286 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: AssetTreeTagLib.groovy (new 286)
gav 2009-11-20 15:13 Rev.: 194

Remove the auto inserted login credentials and message in production mode.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • grails-app/taglib: WebAlbumTagLib.groovy (-8)

(1 more)

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